Work-Life Balance

From childhood, we have been appreciated for doing things fast, That ad of Dettol saying “Tera sabun slow hai kya” hints towards acting and accomplishing things quickly & also nurturing the same in our mind.

With this thought process in mind, when we enter the real world (basically after school/college life) where things are moving fast, we are living in between smart gadgets, our mobile phones are smart & are being smarter day by day with new updates & versions, we may feel the heat of competition everywhere not only with our colleagues or our generation but with our own self too.

It feels like if we are not changing with time, one day we may become obsolete & thus we need to keep on 🏃.

But, somewhere inside our mind, we all may want to 🚫 & enjoy life, feel the growth, celebrate & cherish the moments we have accomplished.

What’s your take on it & how you are managing your life?

For me- life is not about 🏃 towards your goals only but also making ma moments cherishable & a life worth living by managing the time equally for our work-life & our personal life.

Appreciation- Good Vibes Only

Do you appraise what all you have in your life?

Case A: There was a girl who has done masters in Technology but job received in general operations, she was highly disappointed and many times felt guilt for taking technology while if she would have done in operations then this could be beneficial for her today. And this way she dints focus on performance and productivity and one day due to non-performing attitude and behavioural issue towards work and life, she was asked to leave, case closed.

Case B: Same job and same qualification.
Girl admired her job and started doing work with all dedication as she is grateful that in spite of doing masters from a different domain, she has got a job where she can showcase her talent.

After honesty, dedication and hard work, she was promoted to the next appraisal cycle.
Now she is more grateful towards work and life.

Difference: Negativity towards the job, life, relation drains your energy and will power thus, result is never going to be desirable.

Instead of this, appreciate all that you have, give your 100% and one day your destiny will give you back bonus of being honest, having gratitude and charm towards life.

What’re your thoughts on appraising your life?