New Year Resolutions

LI connections are you done with your 2020 new year resolution? 🤔

You must be surprised 😲 by seeing this post by this time.

As today is neither 31st of December’19 🎄 not 1st of January’20.

And, must be thinking that a few of them are yet not accomplished or are untouched or a very few are done. (same feeling) 😔

So, believe me, this is the best time to reframe your goals, you may even track and review your goals accomplished so far.


Because the year 2019 is yet not ending, and you have enough time of complete 3months, so till now if you were busy doing daily tasks and have not managed your time to invest in your resolution so you may start doing from today, and by this way if not completed so what you would have at least started working your goal, and with consistency you will finish it soon in the early phase of 2020.

And, I believe that start working on your dreams is far better than keep on writing year by year on the resolution list the same thing.

So, what’s the update on your 2019 resolution?

Mine: lots of books 📚 are not read yet.
But, I have started writing 📝 and it was not part of the resolution. 😁 so, I am delighted.

Author: Nupur Shukla

At the end, it is you vs you so play the game efficiently Nupur S.