The Beam Of Smile

The beam of smile!!

Walking lonely and waiting slowly
The shadow of sorrow, covering wholly
Making the life hollow and miserly
Waking in the dark and sleeping merely
The so called life is pathetic and ugly
With so much Yyyys in life
Life sounds no more lively.
But to put off the shadow
The beam of smile is to be lighten up tightly.
Once the smile is embarked
The sorrow, the misery, the pathetic and ugliness
All will fade way in a no time for surely.
Do the same and let me know
I will keep on writing the lines again
Basis the experience people shared while readying this poem hopefully.

Nupur Shukla



Marketing Magic

So many magic exists in the world, and Marketing is one of them.

Although marketing is not any kind of magical trick as it works upon the different strategies and series of hard and smart work, yet the final result mostly amaze people like me, so there is no harm in saying it as a magic but off course it is not like the black magic.

The very best part of marketing is its potential to sell the product even if it is not in the bucket list of the customer.

So, today’s point of discussion is which marketing strategy or advertisement has made you surprised and yet you have no other option than to go with it happily?

Mine is: 28 days mobile recharge offers from the telecom companies which resulted in grabbing our money 13 times in a year while a year consists of 12 months only.